The Official Website of the Twin Butte Bunch
"Cowboy shooting - as good as it gets."
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Updated: April 2023

  1. Name
    1. The name of this club organization will be (The) Twin Butte Bunch, also referred to as TBB.
  2. Objectives
    1. The members of this Club have voluntarily joined together in order to achieve certain Athletic, Educational and Civic Objectives:
      1. To provide and promote competitive shooting sports to all qualified persons, (including, but not limited to, Cowboy Action Shooting and other shooting competitions involving historic firearms of the Old West).
      2. To promote safe and responsible use of firearms within our community through education of young people and/or new shooters.
      3. To encourage the support and preservation of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the rights guaranteed therein.
      4. To foster good sportsmanship and characteristics of self control, honor, integrity, and sound family values.
    2. The Club organization and these bylaws are intended to ensure the safety and enjoyment of participants in club activities. To this end the Club shall:
      1. Maintain affiliation with other organizations that support the shooting sports, such as the National Rifle Association of America (NRA), the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), and the Unified Sportsmen’s Club (USC).
      2. Purchase and retain a liability insurance policy as necessary to protect the club, its members, and club assets. The limits of this coverage shall not be less than one million dollars ($1,000,000).
      3. Conduct all club activities in a safe and efficient manner by implementing and enforcing basic safety rules and safe gun handling practices.
      4. Maintain the Club facilities and equipment in a safe and sound condition.
  3. Membership Eligibility
    1. Any person who may legally possess firearms in the State of Idaho, and who has demonstrated safe behavior while participating in a Twin Butte Bunch match may request membership in the Club. Membership requests may be granted by any Club Officer. Memberships become effective upon receipt of membership dues.
  4. Duties of Members
    1. By joining TBB, each member is acknowledging their willingness to work at matches and be involved in other club functions, i.e., range clean up, gun shows, match pre-production, etc.
    2. By joining TBB, each member is acknowledging their willingness to at all times be aware of the basic firearms safety rules and apply them continuously to themselves and ensure that they are followed by others.
    3. All members must maintain membership eligibility.
  5. Dues & Match Fees
    1. Membership dues and Match fees are reviewed annually at the Spring General Membership meeting and modified if necessary by two-thirds majority vote of those present at the meeting.
    2. Paid dues are valid from April 1 to the following March 31, and are due at or before the first scheduled match of the year.
    3. There is no reduced membership fee for people joining part-way through the year.
    4. Annual dues are $20 for an individual and $30 for a family (up to three) for TBB.
    5. Each shooter who is not a member of USC must pay, in addition to the TBB match fee, the $5 USC daily use fee.
    6. Match fees for Club members are $10 for the 1st shooter and $5 for each additional adult shooter from the same household. Juniors (16 years old and younger) from a household with a membership shoot free when accompanied by a paying adult.
    7. Match fees for non-members are $20 for the 1st shooter, $5 for each additional adult from the same household, and $5 for each junior shooter when accompanied by a paying adult.
  6. Club Meetings
    1. A shooter safety and information meeting shall be conducted prior to each match.
    2. Special work projects (Friday before a match) or other misc. meetings may be called by the Club Officers as the need arises.
    3. A meeting of the Club Officers may be called by any one of the Club Officers as needed. Club Officers are empowered to make decisions and conduct business deemed in the best interest of the club. Club Officer meetings shall not be held nor business conducted unless a minimum of 4 Club Officers are present. Business conducted and decisions made by the Club Officers must be ratified by a majority of the officers present at the meeting. Business conducted and decisions made by the Club Officers shall be presented in the next Bullet'n.
    4. A minimum of two general membership meetings will be held during the year. One in the first Quarter (Spring), and another in the last quarter (Fall) of the calendar year. Additional general membership meetings may be called by the Club Officers as necessary to conduct Club business.
    5. An Annual Club Recognition Banquet shall be held at a convenient time following the final match of the year. The purpose of this banquet shall be to recognize the accomplishments of the completed shooting season, to elect club officers for the coming year, and to finalize any remaining club business. This will be the responsibility of the Shindig Director. If no Shindig Director has been elected then the Board will work to implement this.
  7. Club Officers
    1. Club Officers shall be elected by a single majority of voting club members. Elections shall be conducted via email, mail-in ballot, or in-person voting. The results of the Club Officer elections shall be presented at the Annual Club Recognition Banquet. The term of office shall be from election until completion of the following year’s election.
    2. The elected Club Officers shall be:
      1. President (Outfit Boss)
      2. Vice President (Outfit Ramrod)
      3. Safety Officer (Marshall)
      4. Secretary (Bookkeeper)
      5. Treasurer (Shotgun Messenger)
      6. Range Rider (Facility Manager)
      7. Special Events Coordinator (Shindig Director) optional
      8. Match Coordinator (Trail Boss). An Assistant Match Coordinator shall also be elected. optional
      9. In addition to the elected officers, a Webmaster (Telegraph Officer) shall be selected by the club officers and approved by a majority vote of club members.
      10. In addition to the elected officers, Board Members at Large (Ranch Hands) may be selected by the club officers and approved by a majority vote of club members.
    3. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person when necessary.
    4. The offices of Safety Officer and Match Director may be held by the same person when necessary.
  8. Duties of Officers and other appointed assistants
    1. The President (Outfit Boss) is responsible for the overall organization and operation of the Club. He or she shall be the Club’s representative to the public and affiliated shooting organizations. The President shall be responsible for overseeing other Club Officers to ensure that they are fulfilling their responsibilities. The President conducts meetings, and ensures that all actions to be carried out conform to the Club’s Bylaws. The President may appoint special committees or individuals to assist in planning, organizing, and implementing special matches, activities, work projects, range development, or miscellaneous functions. The President may sign checks.
    2. The Vice President (Outfit Ramrod) assists the President in all his duties and assumes the duties of the President in his absence. He or she works to develop range improvements plans, and is responsible to oversee the maintenance and repair of club facilities. The Vice President or other TBB officer sits on the Board of Directors for the USC. The Vice President shall perform an audit of club financial records within 90 days after the conclusion of each shooting season.
    3. The Safety Officer (Marshall) is responsible for the overall safety of the Club and club activities. He or she shall conduct a mandatory safety briefing prior to each match and shall be responsible (as is everyone participating in a shooting activity) for the use of safety procedures and rules as outlined by SASS. He or she is responsible for the detection of any unsafe condition or situation and has authority to do whatsoever is necessary to remedy unsafe conditions. The Safety Officer has the final say in safety matters. The Safety Officer shall be assisted in all his duties by the Match Coordinator.
    4. The Secretary (Bookkeeper) shall oversee and file records of all official club meetings, matches, and other club business items. He or she prepares and arranges for the monthly newsletter (Bullet’n) to be produced during the shooting season. He or she conducts registration for monthly matches and collects the final match results.
    5. The Treasurer (Shotgun Messenger) manages the financial affairs of the club. He or she signs checks, pays club expenses, prepares financial reports, and otherwise looks out for the financial well being of the club. The Treasurer collects membership fees and match fees. The Treasurer prepares a financial report to be presented to Club members at the annual recognition banquet. He or she assists the Secretary with match registration. In the absence of the Secretary, the Treasurer assumes the duties of the Secretary.
    6. The Range Rider (Facility Manager) responsibilities include general overall condition of the range. This includes: weed control, facility condition, and other tasks designed to maintain the range in usable condition.
    7. The Special Events Coordinator (Shindig Director) is responsible for arranging and coordinating special events for the club. He or she arranges for food at club functions, and assists the other club officers as necessary to ensure that the club functions smoothly.
    8. The Match Coordinator (Trail Boss) makes sure that all details in putting on a match are covered. He or she is responsible for the maintenance and safety of club equipment. The Match Coordinator may appoint and supervise other volunteers who assist with the set up and conduct of matches, and oversees the collection and posting of match results at the conclusion of each match. The Match Coordinator assists the Safety Officer in all his duties. In the absence of the Safety Officer, the Match Coordinator assumes the Safety Officer role, including conducting the mandatory safety briefing prior to each match, resolving safety issues, and ensuring the use of safety procedures and rules as outlined by SASS.
    9. The Telegraph Operator (Webmaster) maintains the website,, posting information for upcoming matches and results from previous matches.
    10. Board Member at Large (Ranch Hand) is for anyone interested in participating in our club leadership, but who is not interested in an elected board position, we have openings for board members at large. This position is appointed and can last for as long or as short of a time as you can accommodate. We welcome whatever help your talents and schedule allow. Notify any board member that you want to participate, and we will get you involved.
  9. Membership Benefits
    1. All Members receive the newsletter (the Twin Butte Bunch Bullet'n), which publishes results of the previous match and other information.
    2. Members have the right to participate in the regularly scheduled Club matches, as well as any other event organized by the Club.
    3. All adult members have voting rights as to the annually elected officers and the bylaws of the Club.
  10. Amendments to the Twin Butte Bunch Bylaws
    1. Club bylaws may be amended as necessary. Any club member may propose changes to the club bylaws by presenting the requested changes in writing to the club President. Any proposals to change the bylaws must be announced to the general membership prior to being presented at the next meeting for a vote. All changes to the bylaws must be presented and discussed at a general membership meeting and must be ratified by a two-thirds majority of those present.
  11. Grant Requests
    1. All grant requests, including NRA grants, will be prepared by a committee appointed by the President. The final proposed request shall be approved by the Twin Butte Bunch Board before submission. Follow up requirements for grants submitted are the responsibility of the appointed committee.